Sunday, April 19, 2020

Update on the Sequel

I'm currently writing about Obsidian, the largest and darkest dragon every born, who's role it was to destroy Magnus Maelstrom, the greatest Wizard in the Age of Swords...

Troy, Sophie and Tracy have to escape when technology is now powerful enough to trace their every moves. Where can hope be found when places to hide are few...

Tracy's spiritually takes all three of them off the beaten track....

Friday, September 13, 2019

It's for YA Readers... right?

My 8 year old niece got into the Restricted Section! 👀 ... and read my book! She wasn't supposed to as it has some mild adult themes but she did anyway!
She loved it, read it twice, is trying to make her own wand and has demanded I write the sequel - Immediately!
However naughty of her this really made my day 😃

Friday, September 6, 2019

Book Blurb for Triangles of Black... 

They walk amongst us and we let them destroy our lives without even a second thought. But what if you had to face them knowing they could dispose of you at will? Could you survive when their sights were finally fixed on you? It was an accident, it wasn’t meant to happen, Troy just wanted to find work and a lover. He didn’t know that he could become caught up in a Black Triangle riddled in collateral damage and mystical revelations. Troy has no idea of the magic that surrounds him or the darkness that follows close behind as he finds his soul mate but soon discovers she is the reason they want to kill him. When he realizes that his life and the lives of those close to him are trapped, the magic they have yet to learn becomes their only hope. And for hope they will travel through treacherous places for which no maps have been written. Time is against them as agents and spies close in on them. Troy wants to stop the darkness from spreading, but before he can save his world he first has to save himself.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

A Consolidation

Behind truths hide lies and behind lies hide truths

Sometimes it's better to stay in the comfortable darkness. But he stumbled into the light by accident...

Triangles of Black: Once in a Thousand Years is a consolidation of genres. Fantasy, literary fiction, intrigue, contemporary, mystery and adventure ... It is an Epic with strong male and female leads as well as being multicultural. Something for Everyone!

Monday, July 1, 2019


Heroes and Villains 

Troy, Tracy and Sophie at Deepwater

Troy - self-assured, practical and passionate - he knows what he wants. 
Sophie is Troy's sister. She's passive, finds her strength in her companions and is a hopeless romantic. 
Tracy is fierce, superstitious and strong willed. She is well connected to her roots and is Sophie's best friend. 


One of a kind, highly skilled and guarded but fearless - what secretes does she hold? 

John and Dean, our Evil Twins 

Two of a kind but operating their corruptions across different platforms. How deep will the sinkholes go? 

Katie's Alibi... 

Katie's young, hot and couldn't cook a meal to safe her life. She loves music, dance, and will try relationships out at a whim. She is also the daughter of John our Villain.

A Mountain Wolf

Jerry and his Monster Truck 

Jerry is the inventor of the State-change Spirocentrifugousphere, the world first 100% clean green perpetual power generation system 

A Merdragon off the coast of Morphous Island

Magical Realism meets Epic Fantasy!

Who's in the Spotlight?